Project Status

Year 1 Progress

  • Organization100%
  • Webpresence100%
  • Budget Formulation100%
  • Fundraising10%
  • Volunteer Portal0%
  • Scheduling Engine0%

Year 1 Objectives

Develop Mission, Goals and Objectives and refine connection to umbrella Foundation (Minnechaduza Foundation) including fundraising, team assignments, and Board oversight.
Web Presence
Launch landing page (, Facebook page (, and Twitter (
Develop Budget
Refine goals and objectives and connect to financial requirements with complete 5 year plan for phasing.
Launch initial round of donor contact to establish start-up capital requirements
Volunteer Portal
Develop volunteer portal that manages credentialing information, contact information, eReminders, and volunteered availability.
Scheduling Engine
Develop scheduling engine with interface to volunteer portal
Develop organizational and direct-to-consumer method to acquire and prepared recycled smartphones for re-task.

Year 2 Objectives

Volunteer Recruitment
Launch social media campaign to recruit all volunteer categories
NGO Liaisons
Establish liaisons for initial domestic and international communities:
  • Mexico
  • India
  • Albania
  • Nigeria
  • Liberia
Marketing Team
Reward volunteers by comprehensive press release program, expand recruiting efforts through enhanced social media outreach, develop collaborations with academic and private HCO's.
Recruit navigators and train Navigators in smartphone portal operation
Launch Toolkit
Toolkit requires full function of:
  • Provider schedule
  • Smartphone deployment
  • Navigator readiness
  • Organizational Linkages
Executive Team
Recruit executive leadership and management team to achieve goals and execute mission.
System will insure a rigorous process that admits only the highest quality medical providers to participate.