
The Dox4All Toolkit works like this:
  • volunteer physicians are recruited (they donate hours)
  • physicians are credentialed for quality assurance
  • a master schedule is created from volunteered hours
  • they are accessed by on-ground Navigators
  • Navigators 'present' patients to physicians with smartphone app
  • diagnosis and treatment plan rendered and deployed through Navigator
This method has MANY advantages:
  • Physician travel is minimized. Travel is associated with lost production, family disruption, security risks, reduced volunteerism, and high travel costs. Physicians will be inclined to donate time over their lunch hours and days off since doing so will be minimally disruptive to their domestic operations.
  • Telemedicine technology is used to deploy the physician asset. Telemedicine is already at use in the developed world with its attendant boosts in patient access and reduced overhead. Smartphone based telemedicine requires functioning digital cell networks which are available in many communities in need of medical relief.
  • Navigators are used to transact the patient encounter. Navigators are language and culturally attuned to the patients and can therefore support adherence to the physician-deployed treatment plan. Navigators will receive training that allows them to serve their communities in an enduring way, even without the Dox4All smartphone connection
  • Dox4All will not attempt to recreate on-ground presence in countries of need; we will simply collaborate with established NGO's and existing aid workers, putting access to a doctor literally in their hands.
  • Dox4All does not aim to address EVERY disparity between disease burden and doctor supply. BUT, we will not let perfect be the enemy of good in the advancement of health for as many people as we can reach.

This Method of Care Delivery
